Thursday, December 26, 2013


Today's big "Fuck You" goes to: hypocrites. Few things make my blood boil more than someone who doesn't actually stand by something they claim or try to represent. People who don't practice what they preach or even attempt to. We live in a time where everyone and everything is so fake and contrived; it's tough to find anything genuine.

I listen to to a lot of different kinds of music these days, but metal has always been my homefront. The style of music I have always defaulted to has been loud, aggressive, angry, and downright offensive to a lot of people. Over the past 7-10 years, a lot of edgier music has had a theme of anger and hatred towards degeneration and poor moral and social conduct. There has been emphasis on women, as most all metal bands tend to be comprised of men and with this style of music there tends to be a lot of passion in negativity - venting if you will. The depressing and downtrodden ballads of lost and/or unrequited love, being victims of dishonesty and adultery, and loneliness and emotional anguish that were the theme of alternative music in the 90's and early 2000's have shifted to more of a bitter, contemptuous, scathing, judgmental and externally aimed ranting.

Enter relevance: I always find it ridiculous when I see slutty, dishonest, and disloyal women standing behind music from artists that are literally pouring blood, sweat, and tears into songs about how much they hate these types of women. They will denounce dishonest and shamelessly promiscuous girls at the drop of a hat, while practicing the exact lifestyle they claim to resent. Individuals who will support and claim a common and understood positive life choice while doing no such thing in real life practice - that is hypocrisy at its finest.

People who hate "drama" but thrive off of it, people who can't stand selfish attention whores but are constantly bragging, fishing for compliments, and seeking validation from others. Hypocrisy is a shady and shallow defense mechanism people use to make themselves feel good and look respectable and agreeable to their peers while still being able to selfishly and unapologetically live whatever lifestyle they lead regardless of how it affects themselves, those around them, and the rest of the world.

Bottom line is: stop being such a fucking hypocrite. Don't try to be something you're not. If you're a lying slut then stop trying to fool people - or change. If your a socially inept ego maniac then stop putting others down for being the same thing - or grow up. How can you possibly expect anyone to take you seriously if your actions don't reflect what comes out of your mouth? Talk is cheap and excuses are like assholes. Show some backbone and some self respect.

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